

Cooloo | Endless Life®

Cooloo develops technologies and produces sustainable, aesthetic and ecological solutions and products. Solutions that are flexible in application, and create high-end design products suitable to last within the circular economy. Our 40+ years of experience in the furniture industry has shown us how inefficient and polluting the current furniture, upholstery and production industries are. This experience, combined with our innovative and out-of-the-box thinking, has resulted in game-changing disruptive concepts, ready to transition to a sustainable world where Endless Life® is the new standard.

With cooperation, promotion events, and our products, we want to make society and the industry rethink products' production processes to become aware of materials' physical value and scarcity. By joining forces with large companies such as Forbo, ECCO Leather, and DSM, we show that it's possible to deal with production waste differently.
When thinking and making differently, you have to design products differently, resulting in the visual language of Cooloo, where round and organic shapes are beautifully combined with natural materials.
Every object of use will wear out and sometimes maybe break. Fortunately, within the Cooloo philosophy, it is easy to repair broken products. We can fix the furniture and give it a new look without creating waste. The result is a product that is as good as new again without throwing away old upholstery or fabric. If you don't want to spend time or energy on this yourself, lease your furniture from us.
Is your armchair outdated, worn out, or out of fashion? No problem, we can provide the old product with a new finishing in a desired material or color. Your furniture will then look as good as new. In this way, a piece of furniture never has to end up as waste. With the Endless Life® and refurbishment vision from Cooloo, worn-out upholstered design furniture can get a second life by refurbishing it with a layer of leather or cork waste.
Following our philosophy, we use as much waste materials as possible in our products and techniques. For example, old wine corks, leather waste, or foam residues. Is the product really at the end of its tether? We can easily separate the materials from each other for recycling. However, recycling our furniture is always the last step. The furniture is of such quality that repair and refurbishment provide much more value retention.


The circular economy is the way of the future. The technologies and products of Cooloo are very suitable for the new economy because of the economical and material-efficient repair and refurbishment. Combined with the high-quality application of waste materials, Cooloo responds to many elements of the circular economy. Cooloo develops circular business models such as product-as-a-service and service contracts to maintain the value of the ‘products that last.’ Cooloo Circular Canopy is a good example of the collaborations that Cooloo pursues to promote the circular economy within the interior design industry.

Ecological in coatings

The coatings developed and applied by Cooloo are made according to the highest possible ecological and sustainability standards. Water-based materials that are solvent and VOC free are at the heart of all innovative coatings. Cooloo strives to keep improving with sustainability and circularity at the forefront. After all, there is still much to be gained by improving and making production processes more sustainable in all branches of the industry.

Leerafval gerecycled tot coating



Cooloo has launched a furniture lease and comfort-as-a-service as part of the Endless Life® vision. Business models that tie in with the circular economy and technological developments. The lease and maintenance programs offer the highest form of flexibility, comfort and give furniture and interior a long life. Contact us for the possibilities or read more on our lease page.


To keep developing, validating, and sharing knowledge, Cooloo collaborates with multiple knowledge institutes like Fontys University of Applied Science and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. With research into circularity and circular business models to gain more knowledge, insights and speed up the circular transition.


Read the research on circularity index and impact of the Cooloo concept and materials.

CooLoo Material District 2022 RZ0970 - Fotografie Roza Schous


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that are addressed within the Cooloo vision.

No poverty. This is visible in Cooloo’s collaboration with the NGO Solidaridad. This organization strives for a sustainable world in which everything is made and bought in solidarity with people, the environment and future generations. They encourage responsible entrepreneurship and ensure that people can earn a good income through their work.

Cooloo contributes to ending discrimination (of women and girls). The national and international production locations that, in collaboration with Solidaridad arise, provide work that allows both men and women to independently provide for their raison d’être.

Cooloo contributes to promoting sustained, inclusive, sustainable growth that creates decent work and offers people with a distance to the labor market options.

Cooloo contributes to promoting sustainable industry and innovation of new technologies for the sustainable transition that the world is facing.

Cooloo and its collaborations contribute to providing equal opportunities in the labor market, regardless of age, gender, disabilities, ethnicity, religion or economic status.

Cooloo contributes to sustainable production, whereby raw materials, residual flows from other industries, are used more efficiently. The pressure on the environment and the dependence on primary raw materials is greatly reduced. The waste production of furniture and residual flows is significantly reduced through recycling, reuse and refurbishment.

Cooloo will actively seek opportunities in developing countries to provide the regional population with resources to produce circular furniture in collaboration with Solidaridad. This requires active support and guidance from the consortium with regard to financial resources, equipment and knowledge and skills.