the design becomes sustainable by nature


FOKLAb is a research and design platform powered by Fokkema & Partners Architecten.

Its mission is to fill the gap, based on observations in the interior realm, by designing products that support user wellbeing. FOKLAb is keen to implement new techniques and technology with a love for craftmanship and pure materialisation.

Moermanskade 300-400 in Amsterdam. De oude houthaven.  4 lobby's ontworpen door Fokkema & Partners architecten


Sustainability is not the starting point of our design process: it is the wellbeing of the user. Combined with a long time mindset and the drive to innovate, the design becomes sustainable by nature. This results in products that are not only beautiful, functional and ergonomic but also healthy and with timeless apparel.

When asked by Cooloo to think about a new product based on circular principles and sustainable coating techniques, the proposed roof top location at Masterly inspired us immediately. We experience in our daily practice of designing advanced new ways of working solutions that flexible, acoustical space dividers are key to accommodate agile working. Our room without a roof installation provides both physical and mental space.
